Eye Exams

Eye Exams

We often take for granted our ability to see. Your eyes deserve to be examined regularly by an optometrist to help your eyes stay as healthy as they can. There is a common misconception that if a person sees well, their eyes must be healthy. In fact many serious, sight-threatening eye diseases have no early warning symptoms. Fortunately, optometrists have the skills to detect many of these eye conditions in their early stages.

Early intervention gives a person the best possible chance of maintaining good vision. A thorough eye examination not only reveals the health of your eyes, but can also be an indicator of your overall health. Many general health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be detected through regular, preventative eye examinations. Make a regular visit to your optometrist part of your annual health assessment.

Come visit us for an eye exam.

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What's involved in an Eye Exam?


Your optometrist will ask you about any vision problems that you are experiencing, your personal and family eye and health history, your medications, and any special visual demands of your occupation or hobbies.

Ocular Health

This is a painless examination that checks the external and internal structure of your eye. It also checks for signs of ocular conditions as well as chronic conditions that may affect your eyes.

Diagnosis and Treatment

After the examination, your optometrist will inform you of the status of your vision and ocular health. Your optometrist will determine a treatment plan and discuss the various options available. Referral to other health care providers will be made when necessary.

Binocular Vision

Determines how well your eyes work together in coordinated movement.


Determines the prescription that will give you the best possible vision.

Visual Acuity

Checks your level of vision with an eye chart.

Is the exam covered by OHIP?

As of November 1, 2004 your Ontario Health Card coverage for full eye examinations has been changed.

Coverage for medical necessity has been set in place. People with diabetes, cataracts, glaucoma, amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (turned eye), visual field defects, retinal disease and corneal disease are covered annually.

If you have an eye related problem, you can speak to your family physician to obtain a referral, in which case the eye exam will be covered.


Aged 0 to 19 years: One full eye examination annually.


Aged 20 to 64 years: are no longer covered by OHIP. However, if you have vision coverage through your workplace for eyeglasses, then the eye exam may also be covered. Check with your insurance provider for more information.


Seniors aged 65 and above are entitled to one full eye examination every 18 months, covered by the province. Some exceptions apply. Please contact the office for more information.


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